NameLowell Edwin Hudson, 3rd Cousin
Birth4 Feb 1932, Rowan Co., Kentucky
Death15 Feb 1994, Rowan Co., Kentucky
BurialJohnson Cem., Flemingsburg Rd., Morehead
FatherErnest Howard Hudson (1903-1931)
MotherNettie Mae Quesinberry (1907-1994)
Notes for Lowell Edwin Hudson
The Kentucky birth index lists Lowel E. Hudson, born 4 Feb 1932 in Rowan Co., mother’s maiden name Nettie Quisenberry.

It also lists Earnest H. Hudson, born 4 Feb 1932 in Rowan Co., mother’s maiden name Nettie Evesenberry.

It is probable that the latter is either a duplicate record of Lowell’s birth, or an unnamed twin, since there are only three children in the 1940 census, and infants that are unnamed when the birth is recorded are listed in the birth index under the father’s given name, even if they are female. The odd thing, though, is that the one under the name Earnest is a delayed certificate, recorded in 1933, Vol. 18, #08512, while the one for Lowel E Hudson was recorded in 1932, Vol. 18, #08972. The death records, though, do not record any children of this family dying in the 1930’s. So the most likely explanation is that some sort of revised or duplicate certificate was filed in 1933, but it left off Lowell’s given name, and thus was indexed under his father’s name.

The Kentucky death index lists Lowell E. Hudson, age 62, died 15 Feb 1994 in Rowan Co., residence Bath Co.
Last Modified 21 Jul 2012Created 21 Feb 2014 using Reunion for Macintosh