NameMilford E. Smedley, 2C2R
Birth16 Jan 1918, Rowan Co., Kentucky
Death16 Jan 1919, Rowan Co., Kentucky
BurialClearfield (Bradley) Cemetery, Rowan Co., Kentucky
FatherMelvin Claude Smedley (1890-1979)
Notes for Milford E. Smedley
The Kentucky birth index lists Milford Smedley, born 16 Jan 1918 in Rowan Co., mother’s maiden name Rebecca Ginter.

Melvin and Rebecca are pictured in the Rowan County Pictorial History with a newborn infant captioned as Milford Smedley.

His death certificate records Milford Smedley, age 1 month 20 minutes, born 16 Jan 1918 in Rowan Co., Ky, died 16 Jan 1919 in Clearfield, Rowan Co., Ky, father Melvin Smedley, mother’s maiden name Rebecker Ginter, both born in Rowan Co., Ky, cause of death whooping cough and influenza, informant Frank Lee Ginter, Clearfield, Ky, burial in Bradley Cemetery.

The age at death of one month is inconsistent with the dates, and most likely represents someone thinking that the number of years was meant to be placed in the blank following the “yrs” caption rather than in the blank before it. “mint”, which I assume stands for minutes, is hand-written over the “ds” caption.

His gravestone in Clearfield Cemetery (which was formerly known as Bradley Cemetery), according to the survey taken by the Rowan County Historical Society, says Melford E. Smedley, with the dates 16 June 1918 to 16 Jan 1919. This most likely represents someone misreading their own handwriting in their survey notes.
Last Modified 14 Sep 2009Created 21 Feb 2014 using Reunion for Macintosh