NameCordia Crosthwaite
Birth20 May 1912, Rowan Co., Kentucky
MotherNora Mae McKinney (1868-1945)
1 FLola F. Crosthwait (Data Omitted for Privacy)*
Notes for Cordia Crosthwaite
The Kentucky birth index lists Owen Crosthwaite 2, born 20 May 1912 in Breathitt Co. (a misindexing of Rowan Co.11), mother’s maiden name Narah McKinney.

Daughters who are not named at the time the birth is registered are indexed under the father’s given name, followed by a 2. This is usually, but not always, indicative of a stillborn child or one who died the day of birth. In this case, the daughter Cordia listed as age 7 in the 1920 census (taken in January) together with the absence of any corresponding death record, suggests that Cordia was simply given her name after the birth was recorded.
Last Modified 23 Apr 2012Created 21 Feb 2014 using Reunion for Macintosh