NameCarrie Jones, Half 4C2R
Birth10 Jun 1930, Rowan Co., Kentucky
Death19 Jun 1930, Rowan Co., Kentucky
FatherJohn Sanford Jones (1902-1972)
MotherBessie Hargis (1904-1990)
Notes for Carrie Jones
The Kentucky birth index lists Carrie Jones, born 10 June 1930 in Rowan Co., mother’s maiden name Bessie Hargis.

There is a death certificate which is possibly hers, suggesting she may have died at 9 days, but the death certificate was very confusingly filled out with nearly all fields (name, age, etc.) reporting data about John rather than about the child.

It says John Sanford Jones, residence Crix, Ky, length of residence in town where death occurred 27 years 9 months 20 days, sex American, color white, married, husband or wife of John Sanford Jones, birthdate blank, age 26 years 10 days, died 19 June 1930 in Crix, Rowan Co, Ky, father John Sanford Jones, mother’s maiden name Bessie Hargis, both born in Crix, Ky, cause of death “it was not a normal child and not take any nourishment which was the cause of death duration of illness 9 days”, informant Clorie Lambert, burial in Crix, Ky. Cloire Lambert also signed the medical certification section, stating that she attended the deceased from 10 June 1930 to 19 June 1930. She may have been a midwife.
Last Modified 6 Dec 2010Created 21 Feb 2014 using Reunion for Macintosh