NameRiley Virgil Gee
Birth12 Jun 1927, Rowan Co., Kentucky
FatherJohn Walter Gee (1902-1936)
MotherHattie May Stevens (1904-1992)
Notes for Riley Virgil Gee
The Kentucky birth index lists Riley V. Gee, born 12 June 1927 in Breathitt Co. (a misindexing of Rowan Co.11), mother’s maiden name Hattie Stevens.

The 1930 census lists no son named Riley. It does list a son Vergil, recorded as age 3 years 11 months, which would imply a birthdate in April 1926 (or May 1 - the ages are supposed to be as of April 1, so he would be turning 4 in April.) It is possible that Riley died before 1930, and that these are two different sons, but since I cannot find any death record, nor a birth record for any child in 1926, and considering the somewhat uncommon initial V, I will tentatively assume that there was an error in reporting his age in the 1930 census.

Another possibility, considering the birth of Eula Mae in March 1928, only 9 months after the reported birthdate of Riley, is that Riley’s date of birth was misindexed, and it should be 1926.
Last Modified 5 May 2012Created 21 Feb 2014 using Reunion for Macintosh