NameCurtis Fraley
Birth25 Jun 1931, Rowan Co., Kentucky
Deathbef 1940
FatherBoone Lacy Fraley (1894-1974)
MotherViola Arvilla Adkins (1901-1950)
Notes for Curtis Fraley
The Kentucky birth index lists Boone Fraley, born 25 June 1931 in Rowan Co., mother’s maiden name Viola Adkins, but there is no child of that name or age in the 1940 census, and I cannot find a corresponding death record, even searching on date alone. Since children who are stillborn or who have not been given a name at the time the birth is recorded are always indexed under the father’s given name, regardless of gender, I do not know if this child was really named Boone or not.

He is probably the child recorded in the Fraley Cemetery as Curtis Fraley, 1930-1930.
Last Modified 24 Dec 2012Created 21 Feb 2014 using Reunion for Macintosh