NameFay Staton, 5C2R
Birth28 Dec 1920, Menifee Co., Kentucky
FatherAlbert L. Staton (1891-)
MotherIda Lillie Sorrell (1897-1988)
Notes for Fay Staton
The Kentucky birth index lists Albert Staton, born 28 Dec 1920 in Menifee Co., mother’s maiden name Lillie Sorrel. (This must be one of those cases where a birth is indexed under the father's given name because the child had not yet been named at the time the birth was registered. She is recorded in the censuses as Fay age 9 in 1930 and age 19 in 1940.)
Last Modified 6 Jun 2013Created 21 Feb 2014 using Reunion for Macintosh