1. Dore M. Frantz, Frantz Family Burials.
2. "Early Brethren Families in the Eel River Congregation in Kosciusko and Wabash Counties, Indiana", by Lester H. Binnie, 1974, Kosciusko County Historical Society.
3. Post dated 1 Jan 2000 on the Montgomery Co., Illinois GenConnect query board, from Charles S. Adkins <>.
4. Dore M. Frantz, Frantz Family Burials. p. 15.
5. Dore M. Frantz, Frantz Family Burials. p. 16.
6. Lester H. Binnie, Cemetery Records of Paw Paw and Pleasant Townships, Wabash County, Indiana.
7. William Tell Garst, Our Garst Family in America, Brown-White-Lowell Press (Kansas City, 1950).
8. “Statthalter, The Source”, Dwayne Wrightsman, article distributed 22 Jan 2003 to the FRANTZ-L and BRETHREN-L mailing lists on Rootsweb. I have attached a PDF of this article.
9. Dates and name for this twin of Anna Frantz from correspondence with Lorraine Frantz Edwards; she cites Lowell Beachler as her source.
10. Sue Zellers, “Kosciusko Co, IN County Farm Records,”, 7 Mar 1999.
11. Dore M. Frantz, Frantz Family Burials. p. 32.
12. “The German Baptist Arnolds”, Lester H. Binnie, North Manchester, 1990. p. 9.
13. "Early Brethren Families in the Eel River Congregation in Kosciusko and Wabash Counties, Indiana", by Lester H. Binnie, 1974, Kosciusko County Historical Society. p. 79.
14. Ohio Memorials At Gettysburg, Report of the Gettysburg Memorial Commission.
Press of Nitschke Bros. Columbus., 1887. Reprinted as Volume 21, Army of the Potomac Series. Butternut and Blue, 1998. 3411 Northwind Road, Baltimore, MD 21234.
15. Letter from Lowell Beachler, dated March 28,1995.