NameRuby Maxine Williams
Birth10 Feb 1926, Rowan Co., Kentucky
MotherLaura E. Roberts (1888-)
Notes for Ruby Maxine Williams
The Kentucky birth index lists Ruby M. Williams, born 10 Feb 1926 in Rowan Co., mother’s maiden name Laura Roberts.

It is a delayed certificate, filed in 1967. There is no match for her in the 1930 census under either Williams or Click, but it seems unlikely that a delayed certificate would be filed 40 years later for a child who died very young. Also I cannot find a matching death record.

Since William was listed in the 1930 census as divorced, not widowed, what I suspect is that Ruby was living with her mother in 1930, and that both are listed under a different surname, perhaps the name of a second husband of Laura.
Last Modified 12 Aug 2011Created 21 Feb 2014 using Reunion for Macintosh