NameHelen Loucile Cundiff, 5C2R
Birth10 Mar 1935, Nicholas Co., Kentucky
Death10 Mar 1935, Nicholas Co., Kentucky
FatherMoses Cundiff Jr. (1910-1974)
MotherCatherine B. Wright (1913-1979)
Notes for Helen Loucile Cundiff
The Kentucky birth index lists Helen L. Cundiff, born 10 Mar 1935 in Nicholas Co., mother’s maiden name Katherine Wright.

Her death certificate records Helen Loucile Cundiff, born and died on 10 Mar 1935 in Moorefield, Nicholas Co., Kentucky, father Mose Cundiff, mother’s maiden name Katherine Wright, cause of death premature birth, informant Mose Cundiff, Moorefield, Ky, R. #1, burial in Mt. Gillead, Ky. The age at death section is blank, but it is not recorded as a still birth, so she presumably lived at least several minutes.

( has indexed the death certificate as Helan Louise Cundiff, but it doesn’t look like that to me. It could be Lousile or Lousils or evel Lousilr, but there is clearly a thick blobby short letter between the u and the i. The next-to-last letter is tall and looks exactly like the l in Helen. The last letter sort of trails downward and looks more like an r with a tail than anything else, but the e’s at the end of Katherine and Mose and even “single” all look the same way.)
Last Modified 15 Apr 2013Created 21 Feb 2014 using Reunion for Macintosh